Monday, November 30, 2009

Security App Uses 'Keystroke Biometrics'

Boston-based Delfigo Security has introduced information systems user authentication software that uses "keystroke biometrics" among other factors for verifying user identity.
Keystroke biometrics capture a user's typing patterns, such as how fast a user types and how long keys are pressed. The DSGateway product is being marketed to financial institutions, health care organizations and e-commerce firms. The cardiology department of Children's Hospital Boston is the vendor's first health care customer.
In addition to usernames and passwords, the product captures 14 other identification profiles. These include typing patterns and system and browser identifiers, among other profiles. The vendor also offers third-party single-sign-on software with the authentication product.
Delfigo Security was founded in July 2008 and DSGateway is its first project. It is available in remotely hosted or client-hosted versions. More information is available at


  1. Would it actually work well? I doubt about that. What happens when the user tries to log in while standing up, and has switched to hunt and peck instead of touch typing?

  2. Neat idea. This would work well with ePrescribing for medicare prescriptions.
