Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Presentation for week three: System Integration Models

Here was our first presentation where we talked about the general topics and styles of System Integration. We also talked about a lot of topics that will be discussed later by other teams. If you are on one of those teams and we stole your thunder, we would just like to say: "Our bad, beer is on us."

The primary topics discussed are the main Integration Models, and the styles in which you can implement them. They are:

1. Presentation Integration
     - Very simple and straight forward.

2. Data Integration
     - Shared Database
     - Maintain Data Copies
     - File Transfer

3. Functional Integration
     - Distributed Object Integration
     - Message-Oriented Middleware Integration
     - Service-Oriented Integration

Had a lot of great discussion and interesting talking points. Thanks everyone!

Here is a link to the presentation, hosting courtesy of our professor: http://gzheng.cis.gsu.edu/teaching/cis8020/files/sysintteam03.ppt


  1. The discussion of Integration Models was very beneficial. Having worked on integration projects, I found your discussion of the Pros/Cons to be quite useful. The choice of which model to follow is often dictated by "forces beyond our control" (ie Cost, Time, ...); nevertheless, this is a good summary of the models.

    The comparison of "white" v. "black" box approaches was also very informative. Both approaches have their merits, but often clients need to measure just how much they truly want visible, and the implications of their choice. This gave a very concise and informative overview.

    Very Useful...

  2. When you compare white vs black box systems, is white box actually an approach? I feel like if you are in an intertangled system, you happened to fall into it. Whereas if you have system that is black boxed, you actually have to plan for it.

    Of course there are exceptions, I'm just trying to say I feel like you can accidentally fall into a white box type system, but it's not really the case for black box systems.
